Co-designed with David Royer, our Tube Mic and Power Supply Kits guide you through gutting a donor microphone and replacing the insides with a vacuum tube and circuit based on the SONY C37A. You’ll also build the high-voltage tube power supply into a steel box.
However, you won’t mess with the delicate 34mm capsule, so there’s little risk damaging it during your build.
The tube circuit and power supply were designed by Dave for our college workshops. I’ve made it easy to build with a unique internal tube mount inside the microphone, plus fully-photographed instructions and personal email help during your build. However, if you’re planning to build this outside of our college workshop, this is not a beginner’s project. Previous electronic DIY project experience, electronic hand tools, and a safety-oriented respect for electricity is required. Dave didn’t settle for second-best on his design, so there are a lot of expensive parts and a mic with a power supply and cable costs more than my DIY Ribbon Mic Kits.
$695 Tube Mic and Power Supply Kit.
If you’re interested, please contact me before ordering.